November, 2014

Video: starting over an abused spooky mare / video

The purpose of this video is to show a more complete reeducation process, going through different steps, showing more details…

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Hoof Care: helping a pony with founder / video

The idea of that article is to share general ideas and tips about how natural trimming can help foundered horses and ponies.

It is quite incredible to see how common are the foundered horses in our breeding farms, riding schools, ranches, equestrian centers and so on. Founder starts when the wall is separated from the coffin bone and this situation is often due to an unbalanced way of life: too rich a diet (loads of carbohydrates) and too poor an activity (stalls and small paddocks being the horse’s whole world).

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Exercises: Under Saddle – Moving the Front / video

Moving the front end of your horse is the last exercise I strongly advise to practice in order to ride a safe and reliable horse. As mentioned earlier in the groundwork phase, controlling independently the hind quarters from the front quarters helps the horse to feel comfortable in the maneuvers we will require from it.

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