Home About me

About me: No biography, no shrink therapy… just some info

Let me introduce myself

Howdy, hi everyone

I just want to introduce myself so you know where you enter when visiting this web site.

First, I’m not:

  • a Hollywood cowboy – I don’t need chaps, spurs, and a shiny shirt to ride a horse
  • a cliché Indian – I don’t need a single rope around the neck to ride bareback in the Chinook
  • a pet lover – I don’t need to hug my horse and kiss him all over the face to show him my respect and consideration
  • a know-it-all – I do know that I need to listen to others, to read more, to learn everyday!

Having said that, my name is Ronan, I was born in 1980 and spent my first twelve years with horses. I lost sight of them for a couple of decades, taken in the turmoil of a standardized life.

In 2012, I got back in touch with them… the hard way! 45 minutes of horseback riding for two and a half months of recovering from a pretty hard fall on my shoulder. I was green and could not communicate correctly with the horse. Elmo (the said horse) was not well educated, and disrespectful. Result: buck off and bruise!

I spent a good part of my recovering time to question the reasons of my being bucked off by a riding school horse, and then a lot more time to find answers: Reading dozens of books, watching hundreds hours of videos and methods, and practising A LOT with different horses.

About me | Natural Horsemanship
Elmo: the Irish cob who bucked me off… and lead to this web site!
Elmo: the Irish cob who bucked me off… and lead to this web site!
About me | Natural Horsemanship
Jambo: the Swedish Warmblood that bore my first mistakes and missteps… and taught me horsemanship!
Guess what?

I did some researchs

My first step was naturally to Google ‘Natural Horsemanship’.

All the most famous (which does not mean good or interesting, just well known) horsemen appeared:

  • Monty Roberts
  • Pat Parelli
  • Clinton Anderson
  • Buck Brannaman
  • John Lyons

My second step was Wikipedia of course.

Guess what?

  • Monty Roberts
  • Pat Parelli
  • Tom and Bill Dorrance
  • Ray Hunt
  • Buck Brannaman

To complete the picture, I should add a few names and go back in time:

  • John Solomon Rarey in the nineteenth century
  • François Robichon de La Guérinière in the eighteenth century
  • Antoine de Pluvinel in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
  • and Xenophon more than two thousand years ago

So, I studied them and practised their respective methods with a very patient mare called Jambolayah Pooh, aka Jambo, until I found my own way.

Nothing is new in this web site.

And those horsemen who claim to have discovered a new approach to horses, or to have designed and developed new tools to work with horses are just trying to sell something.

About me | Natural Horsemanship

Finally, I learned much more in Italy where I spent three cold days of December 2012 to attend the only Horsemanship clinic given by Buck Brannaman in Europe. (I then used to live in Sweden).

After all I read and watched and studied, I have a particular feeling about his philosophy, his way of presenting horsemanship to people.

These excerpts should say a lot more than all the books you could find:

“Horsemanship is not a discipline nor a job, this is art.”
About me | Natural Horsemanship
Buck Brannaman
“Relationship with horses should imply heart and soul.”
About me | Natural Horsemanship
Buck Brannaman
“There is no valuable method as all horses are different and have different issues. Yet, the philosophy is important.”
About me | Natural Horsemanship
Buck Brannaman
About me | Natural Horsemanship
The more I ride, the more I love it

What about now?

As years went by, I have had the chance to ride hundreds of horses in a dozen countries.

I also had the opportunity to teach to horse owners, trainers, and instructors in different places: Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Morocco, Spain… the more I ride, the more I love it. But I’m sure you know that feeling!

Now you know a little bit more about me.

Thank you for reading all this, and welcome to Ronan Horsemanship.

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