On this website, I offer you a comprehensive method to start natural horsemanship, also called ethological riding, complete with well-documented, illustrated guides, and videos for each type of exercise.
A natural approach
This web site is dedicated to all those who want to know more about the philosophy behind this natural approach, who want to learn methods and techniques that will help them communicate better with their horses.
All this will help you to: start a horse, solve a problem with a horse, teach softness to a horse.
I studied and practised a lot, and I wanted to share all this information and knowledge with you.

A complete horsemanship program:
From the ground to the saddle and beyond!
Step by Step.

Horsemanship Principles
The very first step in Natural Horsemanship consists in understanding its philosophy and principles. That will rule your relationship with horses for the rest of your life.

Being with a horse, and working with him, starts from the ground. First, you have to establish the foundation of your relationship.

Under Saddle
The groundwork foundation is then transposed on the saddle, where you start to build a partnership based on respect and confidence.
Our last articles
Take a look at my last articles and discover more about the Natural Horsemanship.
My Services
The main goal of this website is to offer a wealth of free content that you can all use to learn, practise, and enhance your horsemanship skills.
No subscription, no fees, everything is at your disposal.
In addition to all this free content, I also offer my services to those who want to delve deeper into this way of living with horses.