Category : How To

How to bridle your horse? / video

The goal of that post is not to go through all the measurement process, neither to deal with the good headstall or bit. I have just seen such strange _ and sometimes painful _ methods to bridle a horse that I feel interesting to share this information. I did not invent anything here: many good horsemen use the following method, I experienced it and I think it is the most comfortable both for the horse and the horseman or horsewoman.

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How to prepare a horse to bridle? / video

Well, there are two options here: first classic answer is “you don’t, you put your hand in the mouth and it’s gonna open it, period!” The second option is slightly different and consists in teaching different steps to your horse to make him want the bit and the bridle: lower the head, tip it inside, open the mouth, take the bit and let the horseman or horsewoman put the headstall on.

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